Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Yiriba - La Mort

Yiriba Diarra was our travel coordinator. He passed away this morning after a massive heart attack two days ago.

He had been working in the company for a long time. If I am right, he was one of the pioneers. He took care of our flight bookings, escorted us to the airport during departures and met us during arrivals. Every expat knows him...maybe also loved him.

Lately, he had grown so big---plus the age was a lethal combination that perhaps triggered the attack. His untimely death has brought many of us, about his age and in the heavy side of the scale, to alarm.

I must lose weight. I must maintain a healthy diet and workout. Do yoga to unleash stress.

"Goodbye Yiriba, you left so soon without finishing your job. You still have to book my air ticket".

It's only a week shy from now and I'm due to go for leave, but how can I?

Fingers crossed.


  1. are you going home again? ok, ok, you deserve it.

  2. yes ems, 3 months on site ra man mi. 24 days ra pud among leave. gikapoy na ko akong mga amo, dili sa trabaho.
